Friday, May 31, 2013

Josiah cleaning

From the artist:
It's kinda like yellow, but light green...but light green is lighter than dark green.

It's the same color of your eyes.  Your eyes look green.

Some of it is green, like this.'s the same color as [daddy] and Jackson's shirt.  And it's the same color as [Josiah's] folder.  And it's a little little....and some it has lines.

From the artist's older brother:

It looks like a safari.  And...and...I know: 'cause it's like me on a safari.

From the artist's other older brother:
Sadie colored it for me.  It has me in it.  The painting reminds me of my favorite color.   It looks a little weird, but it's beautiful.
From the artist's dad:
We're learning about entrepreneurship, and Sadie wanted to "make a picture of Josiah."  Now that she's done so, we set her up with her own little "studio."  Hopefully, there will be more artwork in the future.  We invite you all to add your own "interpretations" of this piece in the comments section :-)